Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Outdoorsy Peach Cobbler

Beware, I have discovered the amazing, multi-purpose dutch oven! You can use it for anything, it will last forever, and you can let it do all the work. Yes this sounds a little like an informercial, but man these things are pretty cool.

During our last bbq, we let our peach cobbler cook in the coals and just as it got dark; dessert was ready! If you want to try it, this is what you'll need:

 Peach Cobbler a la dutch oven
- 1 bbq or campfire
- 4 cups of sliced peaches
- 1.5 cups flour
- 2.5 cup milk
- 1.5 cups sugar
- cinnamon/cardamon
- 1 stick butter

Warm your dutch oven by covering it with hot coals. Melt in the butter first then mix in all the other ingredients, stirring well. Add the peaches last so they don't all stick to the bottom.

We just started our barbecue and let our mixture sit on some hot coals, adding more as the evening went on and the burgers were cooking. Once the bbq was free, we transfered the dutch oven directly into the bbq pit and let it cook for a little over an hour.


It does look like our dessert survived a thermonuclear blast, but I promise you it was quite lovely. More to come on the oh-so-great dutch oven, thanks Michaella!

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