Monday, September 17, 2012

Carrottes Rigolotes

The Great Carrot Expedition of 2012
The best part of having a garden is finding cool and unusual veggies. We are so used to having all our produce always looking the same way, it's fun and refreshing to find some funky vegetables!

Carrots have been particularly exciting, especially for our kids, who go carrot hunting. They love the surprise-factor of grabing a bunch of greens and seeing what pops out. They love them so much, they eat them JUST after picking them, still covered in dirt!

We've had an insane amount of tomatoes (more on that later) and have had to come up with a lot of different ways of preparing and storing them. Well we've also gotten a ton of carrots, and I thought we'd have to start pickling them, which frankly does not sound that appetizing. But so far, we just eat them as we pick them.

In my opinion, there is no better way to enjoy a carrot than to just steam it and eat it with a little butter and salt (or you can ask my kids for their "carrots and dirt" recipe). Here are some of the cool and unusual carrots we've gotten lately:

Rainbow carrots

Hogwarts carrot

Jayma's 'Rabbit' carrot

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