Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Canning extravaganza

Holy crap, this last week was pretty insane. It started off quite innocently enough:

"Hmm I have a few extra tomatoes, I should make some spaghetti sauce and freeze it. Maybe I'll run over to the farm real quick and grab a few green onions."

Rewind a few days...

This last week of monsoons really boosted our summer harvest, tomatoes, eggplant, carrots, and chiles are growing like weeds. So I spent most of Friday morning picking veggies and came home with probably about 50lbs of veggies.

On the way back from picking up my son, we drove by a house that had several trees loaded with pears and apples. "What the heck, let's go knock on their door." It turns out the owner can't eat them because of sugar issues; so an hour later we left with about 100 lbs of fruit.

"I'm pretty sure this won't all fit in my freezer." So... I went to the store and got about 100 Mason jars and spent the weekend dicing, pearing, and cooking various dishes.
The final result? 4 bags of frozen, chopped-up fruit, 5 jars of frozen basil pesto, 8 tupperware of frozen Greek eggplant/tomato dish, 6 jars of jam, 10 jars of jalapeno jelly, 6 jars of applesauce, 1 bag of dried rosemary, 1 bag of dried basil, 1 jar of dried red chiles, 10 jars of pear compote, 16 jars of apple and pear butter, and 20 jars of spaghetti sauce.

Tomatillos and jalapenos

Salsa verde and spaghetti sauce

Jalapeno jelly

Canning yellow tomato sauce

Final product

And two days later I thought, "Hmm let me go see how things are going at the farm..."

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